electromobility is here
The primary impetus for the development of electromobility in Europe came from the desire to reduce CO2 emissions. While this remains an important issue, economic factors are gradually becoming the main driver for the mass uptake of electric vehicles. They are slowly reaching a level of cost comparability with combustion-powered vehicles. Despite the fact that the Czech Republic is not among the leaders in the adoption of electromobility among EU Member States, it is expected that the number of electric vehicles on Czech streets could reach one million within the next ten years.
The Electromobility Forum promises to provide an up-to-date overview of the latest market trends, technological innovations and legislative changes. This meeting aims not only to provide comprehensive information on the current state of the industry, but also to discuss new opportunities and potential challenges facing it, including the current hot topic of melting competition for Europe from China and the US. There will also be an exploration of the heavy electric vehicle segment and a debate on the potential use of hydrogen propulsion in transport. The conference is an ideal opportunity for anyone interested in the electrification of corporate fleets, representatives of government and municipalities, product and service suppliers, and anyone interested in the current state and future prospects of electromobility.
We have prepared two days full of inspiring lectures, discussions and sharing of practical experiences from the Czech and European environment. The forum will be complemented by an exhibition where you will have the opportunity to personally test electric vehicles and learn about the latest technological innovations in this field. During the conference, we will combine professional training with opportunities to establish new business partnerships. The opening evening will be enlivened by a networking cocktail, providing an ideal opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences among the participants.
first day: 2 October 2024
registration from 8:30
program 9:00 – 18:00
networking cocktail from 18:00
second day: 3 October 2024
registration from 8:30
program 9:30 – 18:00
Forum Karlín, Prague
lectures, panel discussions
exhibition of vehicles and other products
test drives
The conference program is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive view of current topics through thematic blocks that combine lectures and panel discussions. These blocks are structured to alternate between overviews of key issues and specific examples of already implemented projects, allowing participants to gain both theoretical and practical knowledge. The moderated discussions will also provide ample time for your questions and a deeper understanding of the presented topics.
The conference will be simultaneously interpreted into Czech/English.
2. 10. 2024
– 9:15
Introduction by the organisers and content of the Electromobility Forum
Introduction to the Electromobility Forum 2024 and an overview of current electromobility topics.
Key notes
Panel discussion
2. 10. 2024
– 10:15
Vision of electromobility for the Czech Republic
Current view of key industry players on the development of electromobility in the Czech Republic.
Panel discussion
2. 10. 2024
– 10:55
Charging infrastructure and services
How charging services are being standardised in the Czech Republic and across Europe. Examples of operational practice. Strengths and weaknesses.
2. 10. 2024
– 11:10
Vehicles and fleets
Panel discussion
2. 10. 2024
– 11:55
Sales development, fleet electrification, financing
Is corporate electromobility on the rise in the Czech Republic? What are the main factors? What is missing in the market? Can we expect significant changes?
Moderator: Zdeněk Petzl, Executive Director, Czech Automotive Industry Association (AutoSAP)
2. 10. 2024
– 13:55
Vehicles and fleets
Panel discussion
2. 10. 2024
– 14:25
Electric vehicle financing and lending
Innovation in financing, lending and insuring electric vehicles.
Vehicle technology
2. 10. 2024
– 16:35
Regulation and support
Panel discussion with introductory presentations
2. 10. 2024
– 17:50
State support and regulation
Overview of current and upcoming support programmes and regulatory measures
2. 10. 2024
– 18:00
Networking cocktail
2. 10. 2024
– 21:00
Networking cocktail
Electrification of freight transport
Panel discussion
3. 10. 2024
– 10:35
Challenges of freight transport electrification
Discussion on the prospects of electrifying freight transport in Europe and the Czech Republic.
Panel discussion with introductory presentations
3. 10. 2024
– 11:25
Market trends and current electric truck models
Current offer of electric trucks. Basic parameters, expected development.
Moderator: Michal Štengl, Editor-in-Chief of TRANSPORT and LOGISTICS magazine
3. 10. 2024
– 12:45
Electrification of freight transport
Charging infrastructure and services
Panel discussion with introductory presentations
3. 10. 2024
– 14:35
Technical and business solutions for public and private charging
Public and private charging solutions and trends in the provision of charging services.
Moderated by Lukáš Folbrecht, Secretary, E-mobility Platform
Panel discussion with introductory presentations
3. 10. 2024
– 15:15
Flexibility from electromobility to stabilise the electricity grid
How much flexibility can electromobility bring? Can it be realistically used? How much can it be worth?
3. 10. 2024
– 15:30
Urban electromobility
Panel discussion with introductory presentations
3. 10. 2024
– 17:10
Electromobility in urban and suburban logistics: practical examples
The electrification of vans and utility vehicles is a rapidly melting segment of electromobility. Examples from practice.
Hydrogen in transport
Panel discussion
3. 10. 2024
– 17:50
Prospects for hydrogen in transport in Europe and the Czech Republic
There is a correction in the use of hydrogen in transport, but some applications remain promising.
Moderator: Aleš Doucek, Chairman of the Board, Czech Hydrogen Technology Platform (HYTEP)
3. 10. 2024
– 18:00
Program change is reserved.
Discounted price for public sector employees, additional 30% discount. Please enter the discount code eVS30 in the registration form.
The above prices are exclusive of VAT
Become a partner of the Electromobility Forum
The Electromobility Forum is part of a broader content special, which includes media coverage of the topic across print and online titles of the Economia media house. In addition to presenting at the event itself, we offer partners participation in the accompanying media communication with an emphasis on visibility and raising awareness of partners as leaders in the development of electromobility. Participating as a partner or exhibitor will also help you to establish new personal contacts with customers and win new business opportunities. Get in touch with us to arrange cooperation.
Speaker presentations

Tematický magazín Economia: Elektromobilita

HN: Změňme emisní limity co nejdříve, žádají automobilky. „Nemáme to v plánu,“ zní z EU

HN: Konec parkování aut s EL značkou zdarma v Praze je jen začátek. Hřib by chtěl bezemisní taxíky a novou „zelenou zónu“

HN: Jak to bude od příštího roku s parkováním elektroaut v Praze? Tři měsíce před plánovanými změnami je ve hře několik variant

HN: Elektromobilita ano, ale s ohledem na realitu trhu. Evropský autoprůmysl bude potřeba nastartovat

HN: Kupka chce rychle přehodnotit zákaz prodeje aut se spalovacími motory. Je to klíčové pro podporu elektromobility, říká

HN: Nákladní auto je pracovní nástroj. Elektrifikace naráží a emisní cíle výrobci zatím nesplní

fDrive: Green Deal měnit nehodláme, zní z nové Evropské komise. Redukce emisí už je vidět.

HN: Česko je v elektromobilitě pořád pozadu. Kdyby auta zlevnila o výši dotace, trh se rozjede, shodli se experti v debatě
FORUM KARLÍN, Pernerova 51, Prague 8 (link directly to the map) - the hall is located very close to the centre of Prague in the Karlín district. You can reach us by public transport – tram 3, 8, 24 or by metro – Křižíkova station, 4 minutes walk from the station.
At the Forum Karlín you can park in the paid zones, according to the tariff.
Entrance to Forum Karlín will be possible 30 minutes before the conference starts, when registration will take place. The conference program is subject to change.
The conference will include an exhibition of vehicles and other products and services related to electromobility, get inspired and discover on the spot.
Together with our partners, we have prepared an opportunity for you to test electric cars in practice. You will receive a link to the reservation system in the information email one week before the event or contact our hostess at the "Test Drives" point (at the entrance to Forum Karlín) directly at the conference, who will be happy to help you with your reservation.
Propojujte se přímo na akci po celý den. Bude možné využít i naši „B2B LoungeConnect directly to the action throughout the day. It will also be possible to use our "B2B Lounge". Separate space for face-to-face meetings and closed B2B meetings. The B2B lounge is located on the 1st floor of the Forum Karlín. On the first day of the conference (2.10.) we also invite all participants to a networking cocktail.
The event will include catering throughout the day, starting with breakfast and a networking party following the conference.
The networking cocktail will take place on the first day of the conference on 9 October at 18:00 in the main hall of Forum Karlín. All conference attendees are cordially invited, an ideal time to get to know the speakers, event partners and other contacts for your business.
Simultaneous translation EN - CZ, CZ - EN will be provided throughout the conference program. Our hostesses will offer you headphones at the entrance to the conference.
Entry to the event will only be possible with a valid ticket with a QR code, which visitors will receive after purchase from the organizer by e-mail.
If you have not received a ticket to your email, please check your SPAM first. If you still did not find it, please contact us via email: info@enigoo.cz or phone: +420 461 049 232.
Tickets can no longer be purchased at the venue.
The conference will not be streamed or recorded. Presentations will be available to participants after the event.
We're sorry, but we're not refunding the money. However, you can give your seat to someone else. Please inform us of any changes by email: info@enigoo.cz or phone: +420 461 049 232.

Pernerova 51, 186 00, Praha 8
Forum Karlín is located in the heart of Prague's Karlín district near the city centre.
Accommodation is available in the Royal Prague Hotel or Pentahotel Prague. Both hotels are located approximately 500 m from the venue. Accommodation is not included in the registration fee.